- Q?Am I required to register my dog?
Yes, Village dog tags are required for all dogs within the Village limits. Tags are $5 per dog each year and are valid January 1st through December 31st. Proof of rabies vaccination is required upon registration. This tag is in addition to the Bureau County rabies tag. Dogs are not allowed to run at-large in the Village. Please be a responsible neighbor and clean up after your pet.
- Q?Who is the contact for the Farmer’s Market?
Call Molly at (815) 894-2619 or (815) 541-8116 after 6:00 pm.
- Q?How do I return Comcast equipment?
To return Comcast equipment, you can log in to your Comcast account and print a UPS shipping label for your boxed equipment. Take the labeled box to Staples or UPS. Another option is to take your loose equipment to the UPS Store in Ottawa @ 2740 Columbus St., Unit 300. They will box and ship the equipment for you. You must have a copy of your Comcast bill to ensure proper credit to your account.
- Q?When are Clean Up Days held?
Clean-Up Days were discontinued in 2006. Our contract with Republic Services allows each residence to put out one large item per week for disposal. Residents no longer have to accumulate their discards all year for a one-time event.
- Q?Who do I contact after hours to report an electric outage, water main break or other emergency information?
To report emergency information after hours, you may contact Village President Frank Cattani by cell phone @ (815) 866-7263.
- Q?What is the address of the Ladd Community Center?
303 South Central Avenue, Ladd IL 61329.
- Q?Which holidays cause a delay in trash collection?
When the holidays of New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day & Christmas Day fall on a weekday, trash will be collected one day later than usual.
- Q?How do I contact the Ladd Cemetery Association?
Call Paul Biccochi at (815) 894-3279.
- Q?What is the phone number of the Ladd Post Office?
(815) 894-3030
- Q?How do I contact the Police Department?
In an emergency, call 911. For non-emergencies, call the Bureau County Sheriff’s Department @ (815) 875-3344 and they will dispatch a Ladd officer. The Ladd Police Department’s cell phone number is (815) 343-0267, the office phone number is (815) 894-2351, and the e-mail address is police@villageofladd.com.
- Q?Do I need a permit to sell door-to-door?
Yes. For the protection of Ladd residents, all door-to-door salespeople, peddlers & solicitors must apply for a Peddler’s Permit in the Village Clerk’s office. Each peddler must complete a brief application and submit a $50.00 permit fee. Our Police Department will review the application and grant or deny permission. Permits are valid for a two week period between the hours of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on Monday through Saturday only. Soliciting without a Peddler’s Permit will result in the issuance of an Administrative Ticket from the Ladd Police Department.
- Q?Do you accept credit cards?
Yes, but only for utility payments. We accept VISA, Master Card and Discover credit cards, debit cards, and e-checks through our website. From our home page, choose “Payment Service” and you will be redirected to our payment portal. If you do not have access to the internet, the Clerk’s office employees can make your payment through the portal over the telephone or in person.
- Q?What is a boil order?
A boil order is a notification made by the water department in accordance with state regulations advising people that are served by the village’s water distribution system that the water may be contaminated with bacteria. This order advises people to boil the contaminated water prior to using it in order to make it safe for drinking. Public notification of the boil order is made to ensure that every water user on the affected system has knowledge of the contamination.
Why? – State regulations mandate boil orders to ensure high-quality water in the event water pressure drops below 20 pounds per square inch (PSI) in any part of a distribution system. In most cases, this happens when a water main is being repaired in your neighborhood. Boil orders are issued as a precaution with a customer’s best interests in mind. It’s possible, but unlikely, bacteria can enter the water system when pressure in the line drops below 20 PSI.
Notification – If a boil order is issued, the Village of Ladd notifies customers via the local news media, the village’s website, Facebook page, and signage. Customers who have opted-in to receive Village of Ladd alerts through the Bureau County Republican will be notified via text message and/or email.
Careful Sampling – All boil orders last a minimum of 36 hours, as required by state law. Once the problem is fixed, water lines are flushed and samples are taken. Samples are taken from several sites within the affected area. The sites are spread out over the affected area. Samples are taken for chlorine, turbidity analysis and bacteriological analysis. If samples are acceptable, the boil order is removed.
Water Usage – During boil orders, water usage for toilet flushing, clothes washing or cleaning do not require boiling. Water used for drinking and food preparation requires boiling.
- Q?What do I do when a boil order is issued?
Boil Order Instructions:
1. Strain the water through a cheesecloth, coffee filter, or other clean, porous material to remove as many solid particles and dirt as possible.
2. Bring the water to a rolling boil for 3 – 5 minutes.
3. Let the water cool. Pour into a container that has been boiled or sanitized with chlorine bleach.
4. To preserve the quality of the water, refrigerate the water until use. - Q?Where can I obtain a copy of the Village of Ladd’s Water Quality Report?
Paper copies of the latest report are available in the Village Clerk’s office.
- Q?Where is my property line?
The Village does not have this information available. If you cannot locate the property pins, you may consider having your property surveyed.
- Q?Do you have the birth, marriage and death records of my Ladd ancestors?
No. If these events occurred in Bureau County, the records can be found at the Bureau County Courthouse in Princeton.
- Q?Where can I purchase a Ladd history book?
- Copies of Ladd’s 125th Anniversary Celebration Book are available in the Village Clerk’s office for $35 each.
- The 1990 Centennial History Book is out of print. Occasionally, a copy will be listed for sale on Ebay or can be found at a local estate sale.
- Jim Piacenti’s three books Greetings from Ladd, Illinois! ($20), The Promise of a Better Life ($22), and Thank You for Doing Business in Ladd, Illinois! ($23) are all available for sale in the Village Clerk’s office.
- Pier Giorgio Ardeni’s two books Across the Ocean to the Land of Mines and From the Apennines to Spoon River have sold out and are no longer available in the Clerk’s office.
- Q?Is leaf burning allowed?
Leaf and other landscape waste from your yard only may be burned between the hours of 8:00 am and 6:00 pm, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays only. The open burning of leaves is permitted on public rights of way, except on sidewalks, roadways, alleys, parking lots, or other paved areas. No burning is permitted within twenty (20) feet of any structure. All fires shall be constantly attended by a competent person until each fire is extinguished. Open campfires, burn pits, and outdoor fireplaces are exempted. During dry conditions, the Ladd Fire Chief may issue a burn ban. All burning is prohibited until the ban is lifted.
- Q?Can I choose an electric provider other than the Village of Ladd?
No, the Village of Ladd is a member of the Illinois Municipal Electric Agency (IMEA), a not-for-profit unit of local government created in 1984 that is currently comprised of 32 municipal electric systems and one electric cooperative from all across Illinois. Each of those communities owns and operates its own electric distribution system.
- Q?Where can I take electronic items that are no longer accepted in landfills?
The Village sponsors an annual electronics recycling event for Ladd residents only. Information will be posted on our Facebook page, our website, and in the message box on our utility bills.
- Q?Where can I dispose of my unused or expired prescription medications?
A P2D2 (Prescription Pill Drug Disposal) box is located inside the Village Clerk’s office. Items accepted include prescription medications, including controlled substances; all over-the-counter medications; pet medications; vitamins & supplements; medicated ointments, lotions, creams & oils; liquid medications in leak-proof containers; homeopathic and herbal remedies; and suppositories. Items not accepted include illegal drugs; needles/sharps; syringes with needles; thermometers; IV bags & tubing; bloody or infectious waste; personal care products; empty containers; hydrogen peroxide; aerosol cans and inhalers.